Bias In Algorithms

2 min readJul 28, 2021

Every day, artificial intelligence gets exponentially more human like, soon it’s going to be hard to tell the difference between sentience and lines of code. While knowing that we will likely be the generation to witness the first AI to pass the Turing test, humans are flawed, and there are numerous problems with AI because of how similar they are to us. Everyone has some sort of bias, conscious or unconscious, and as developers develop their algorithms and artificial intelligences, those biases reflect onto those AIs. AI is so useful and is used to accomplish important tasks, and because of this they must be held to a high standard. Depending on how the AI is made, there are several ways an algorithm or AI could be “infected” with bias, from the database to the code, the AI only acts the way we ask it too and it will learn from how humans behave and this has and will continue to cause issues. A search engine AI for example, if not fed a diverse set of terms and images, will yield results that are biased towards the set of data that it was given. We need to find that balancing point of where the AI is given the freedom to learn and create, but yet has strict barriers of forbidden topics or “thinking” and is given a diverse set of data.

