Digital Divide

2 min readJul 19, 2021
Digital divide

It is so easy to get caught up in the idea that everyone lives a similar life to you, has access to the same resources, education, and stability. While in reality, there are “more than 21 million Americans, most of whom live in rural areas, lack access to reliable broadband internet.” (Patrick) This is a crazy thought to me, I can’t believe that many people could be without access to the internet in America alone. Technology is so engrained into today’s society, everyone uses it and it is becoming more of a requirement than it already is. You need the internet to apply for jobs, get an education, research your health and safety, and much more. If I was to be suddenly removed from ever accessing the internet again, quite literally my livelihood would be gone, my passion is computer science and video games, which both need the internet. I feel like the digital divide is something that is getting swept under the rug along with the people affected by it, every day, hardly anyone knows it is a problem or even exists. We all need to put more focus and effort into either getting internet access into more hands, or making the people without internet access more accessible to the things they can’t accomplish without it, I am a fan of the former.


(TNS), ANNA PATRICK The Seattle Times. “Disconnected in Isolation: How the Coronavirus Pandemic Shed Light on the Digital Divide.” Arizona Daily Sun, 19 July 2020,–2961–5995-bb34–3b3867f777b6.html.

